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Financial Information
Registration Checklist
Upon joining a sorority, many doors open. Within the Fraternity and Sorority Community, academics,
sisterhood, service, and leadership are present. You will not only learn to live in community, but
by sharing common interests and experiences, you will develop a special closeness to those around
you. New friends will share in your successes, happiness, and those times of need. Membership in a
sorority provides a sense of belonging to a group that will support you during your college career and
throughout your lifetime.
An essential part of sorority life is the opportunity to participate in fraternity and sorority events and
campus activities. Community service, TCU Family Weekend, Homecoming, Greek Week, intramural
sports, and social events are only a few of the activities you will take part in as a Panhellenic woman.
The Panhellenic Council and individual chapters also sponsor educational programs on current topics
such as women’s issues, career planning, financial independence after college, health and wellness,
sexual assault awareness, risk management, and leadership development.
Belonging to a sorority does carry a certain financial obligation; therefore, it is important for students
and parents to be as informed as possible regarding the cost associated with sorority membership.
Every sorority and fraternity member must pay dues in order to remain in good standing with their
organization. Individuals joining a sorority should be aware of the dues, fees, and other expenses that
are involved and should consider these when making financial plans to attend college.
During formal recruitment, a potential member should ask sorority members any questions they
have about financial obligations and payment options. Each chapter sets its own fees and payment
schedules. The new members semester is generally the most costly, as several one-time fees are
incurred such as: recruitment, new membership, initiation, and your badge fees.
All sorority members make significant contributions to TCU’s academic reputation, to the TCU
community, and the Fort Worth community. Membership in a sorority provides many opportunities
for the development of leadership skills. All sororities are self-governing organizations, which allows
members to hold numerous leadership positions and work with other campus leaders. Each chapter
also utilizes a committee structure that allows members to be involved in all operational aspects of the
Both sororities and fraternities encourage members to fill leadership positions in organizations outside
of their organizations. Currently, Fraternity and Sorority Life members hold positions in Student
Government Association, Student Foundation, Mortar Board, Order of Omega, Neeley Fellows,
Orientation Student Assistants, Frog Camp Facilitators/Directors, TCU360, and many other student
1. Read all available information provided online at This can be found
under “Recruitment.”
2. Complete the registration form online at or, which
opens on June 1, 2013. The price of registration is $107 through July 15th and increases to $130
from July 16th to August 11th. This can be found under “Recruitment” > “Registration.”
3. After completing all required information and attaching a photograph of yourself, make sure to
complete the online payment following registration.
4. While letters of recommendation are NOT required to participate in TCU Panhellenic Recruitment,
they are very helpful for the chapters to get to know you better before recruitment begins. TCU
Panhellenic DOES NOT oversee anything regarding the recommendation process; you must find
them on your own or go through your local Panhellenic Alumnae Association for assistance.
5. Be sure to read all the information in this booklet, online, and attend the mandatory PNM
orientation meeting on Sunday, August 11, 2013 at 9:00am in the Daniel-Meyer Coliseum to learn
more about TCU’s Panhellenic Recruitment.
TCU Panhellenic Recruitment Magazine | PAGE 10
TCU Panhellenic Recruitment Magazine | PAGE 11