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Panhellenic Creed
“We, as Undergraduate Members of women’s fraternities, stand for scholarship,
for the guarding of good health, for the maintenance of fine standards, and for
serving, to the best of our ability, our college community. Cooperation for furthering
fraternity life, in harmony, with its best possibilities, is the ideal that shall guide
our fraternity activities. We, as Fraternity Women, stand for service through the
development of character inspired by the close contact and deep friendship of
individual fraternity and Panhellenic life. The opportunity for wide and wise human
service, through mutual respect and helpfulness, is the tenant by which we strive to
For many new students, recruitment is one of the first activities they participate in on-campus.
However, with so much going on, it is easy to forget the real reason why you are at TCU: to gain a
quality education. TCU’s Panhellenic community values the importance of academics and encourages
its women to strive to do their best in the classroom. Many chapters provide study hours for their
members in order to assist with time management, as well as tutoring for those who are struggling with
the transition from high school to college-level studies.
Greek-letter organizations were founded on the principle of exceptional scholarship, which is seen
through the outstanding academic accomplishments of our Panhellenic Women. The TCU Office of
Student Organizations requires students to maintain at least a 2.0 cumulative grade point average and
be enrolled in a minimum of six credit hours for membership in a student organization; however most
Panhellenic organizations at TCU require a higher minimum grade point average and full-time course
enrollment of at least 12 semester hours.
The desire to serve and impact others is one of the most important qualities developed in each sorority
member. Each sorority has a local or national philanthropy to support through volunteer hours and
financial donations.
Chapter members and the Fraternity and Sorority Community donate their time, money, and effort in
order to support their philanthropy, while benefiting the Fort Worth community as a whole. Throughout
the academic year, a sorority will host a fundraiser or other event to raise money for their specific
Every chapter also offers many opportunities throughout the year for members to participate in
additional activities in order to fulfill their semester service hour requirement.
Additionally, the Panhellenic Council also provides the campus and community with many service
opportunities such as: clothing drives, canned-food drives, carnivals, campus and community clean-
ups, and much more. Sorority women spend thousands of hours volunteering in their community, while
developing a lifestyle of serving others in need.
This year, the TCU Panhellenic Council has adopted Circle of Sisterhood as its official philanthropy
and is donating one dollar per recruitment registration to Circle of Sisterhood. The mission of Circle
of Sisterhood is to provide access to quality education to women around the world. In addition to
this donation, TCU Panhellenic provides several other opportunities to make a donation to and raise
awareness for Circle of Sisterhood. For more information on Circle of Sisterhood, please check out
Panhel lenic Delegates
TCU Panhellenic Recruitment Magazine | PAGE 8
TCU Panhellenic Recruitment Magazine | PAGE 9