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It’s All Greek to Me
Welcome Letter
Dear Potential New Members,
The women of TCU Panhellenic are so excited to welcome you to our community, campus, and the Horned
Frog Family. There is no better time to start wearing purple than 2013! Not only is our campus advancing,
but our Panhellenic community is constantly growing and evolving as well. Our sororities pride themselves
on having a long-standing tradition of excellence and high standards. By joining this legacy, you will find
countless opportunities to become a leader, serve the community, participate in philanthropic activities, and
establish meaningful and long-lasting relationships.
All twelve NPC sororities at TCU are outstanding organizations that give their members the opportunity to
become the best that they can be, both in and out of the classroom. Sororities are more than just social
organizations. They facilitate the growth and development of their members through leadership, community
service, academic engagement, and sisterhood.
By providing a collegiate experience that is both unforgettable and irreplaceable, membership in a Panhellenic
sorority has enriched our lives, and will continue to have a positive impact beyond our college years. Being a
part of a sorority will provide an immediate sense of belonging and will serve as a home away from home for
new members in their first few weeks at TCU.
We encourage each and every one of you to enjoy this week of Formal Recruitment and embrace all that it
has to offer. You will have the opportunity to visit each chapter and experience what it would be like to join
their sisterhood. Each day will provide you with new and exciting information about each Panhellenic chapter.
From philanthropy to sisterhood, each chapter has something unique to offer. We hope that each of you
will keep an open mind and give each chapter the chance to show you what you could potentially be a part
of. Finally, we wish you a recruitment filled with fun, friendship, and happy memories to start your college
Feel free to check out our website
) and see what Panhellenic life has to offer. If you
have any questions regarding Formal Recruitment 2013, do not hesitate to contact the Fraternity and Sorority
Life Office at (817) 257-7281 or
. We cannot wait to meet you this fall as we continue to
celebrate Fraternity and Sorority Life at Texas Christian University.
Go Greek and Go Frogs!
Simone Elices, VP of Panhellenic Recruitment
Active Member
: An undergraduate sorority/fraternity member who has been initiated by his/her chapter and is in good
standing with Texas Christian University and their national organization.
: An initiated member of a sorority or fraternity who is no longer an active member of the collegiate
chapter, but remains a member of the organization.
: Pin worn by an initiated member.
: A written invitation to join a sorority or fraternity.
Continuous Open Recruitment (COR)
: A process where bids may be extended and accepted any time during the school
year other than during Formal Recruitment.
Formal Recruitment
: A designated membership recruitment period comprised of a series of events hosted by each
sorority or fraternity, scheduled and governed by the Council.
: A values-based, social organization typically designated by Greek letters.
Fraternity and Sorority Life (FSL)
: Fraternity and Sorority Life is a department within the TCU Division of Student Affairs
that advises the five governing councils: Interfraternity Council (IFC), Multicultural Greek Council (MGC), Independent
Greek Council (IGC), National Pan-Hellenic Council (NPHC), and National Panhellenic Conference (NPC).
: A ceremony during which new members receive life-long membership privileges and become an active
member of the organization.
: A woman whose mother, sister, and/or grandmother, is an alumna or active member of a National Panhellenic
Conference sorority. Legacy status differs by organization.
Membership Recruitment Acceptance Binding Agreement (MRABA)
: A document each potential new member completes
immediately following the Preference Round of events stating her membership preferences. The potential new member
ranks the sororities she would accept a bid from, listing the one which she most wants to join first and the other(s) in
preferential order. This is a binding agreement, stating that the potential new member is willing to accept a bid from
any sorority she lists. This agreement is binding until the next Formal Recruitment period at the institution – typically one
calendar year.
National Panhellenic Conference (NPC)
: A conference composed of 26 women’s inter/national organizations, each of
which is autonomous as a social Greek-letter society of collegiate and alumnae members.
New Member
: A woman who has accepted a Panhellenic bid but is not yet an initiated member.
Panhellenic Exec
: The group of nine college women who oversee the Texas Christian University Panhellenic Association
and who give up their sorority association during the recruitment process to organize and assist the potential new
: An organization’s designated cause to which they serve and/or raise money.
Potential New Member (PNM)
: Any woman interested in becoming a Panhellenic member who is eligible to join
according to the Panhellenic Council’s requirements.
: Maximum number of new members a sorority may pledge. Quota is the same for all Panhellenic chapters and is
set through the recruitment process by the Panhellenic Council.
: A written letter or statement from an alumna following her organization’s guidelines
introducing and recommending a potential new member for membership.
Recruitment Counselors (Rho Gammas)
: Panhellenic women carefully selected and trained to guide potential new
members through the formal recruitment process. Rho Gammas disaffiliate from their respective chapters to remain
completely neutral during the formal recruitment process.
Single Intentional Preference
: Occurs when a potential new member attends more than one preference event but only
lists one choice on her MRABA.
TCU Panhellenic Recruitment Magazine | PAGE 4
TCU Panhellenic Recruitment Magazine | PAGE 5