TCU communicates with Alumni, Parents and Friends on a regular basis via email. You've probably come to this page because you've received one of these emails. We separate email into categories and you can opt out of any category of email when you receive an email in that category, such as "Athletics - Football" or "Neeley School of Business". We provide a method to opt out of receiving a particular category of email, or all emails, at the bottom of every email sent and NO, you don't have to log into anything to do this!
Once you've stopped receiving our emails, you might decide you miss us! We'll definitely miss you!
Here's your chance to come back!
Complete the form below and tell us what you wish to begin receiving and we'll keep you in the loop as best we can. **Please keep in mind that some of our email lists are based on Alumni lists for that particular school or college, so you may not automatically receive email for that particular group simply because you opt into that category, but at least we know you wouldn't mind receiving something from time-to-time.